19 Day Feast Pages for Kids Fourteen plus page Activity Booklets for Each Bahá'í Month
- Volume 1 contains twenty 14-page activity booklets about “Introduction to the Bahá’í Months & Holy Days”
- Volume 2 contains twenty 15-page issues with stories of “Lionhearts from the Time of the Báb”
1. Bahá (Splendor)
2. Jalál (Glory)
3. Jamál (Beauty)
4. ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur)
5. Núr (Light)
6. Raḥmat (Mercy)
7. Kalimát (Words)
8. Kamál (Perfection)
9. Asmá’ (Names)
Volume 1 Month 9
10. ‘Izzat (Might)
11. Mashíyyat (Will)
12. ‘Ilm (Knowledge)
13. Qudrat (Power)
14. Qawl (Speech)
15. Masá’il (Questions)
16. Sharaf (Honour)
17. Sulṭán (Sovereignty)
18. Mulk (Dominion)
Ayyám-i-Há (Days of Joy)
19. ‘Alá’ (Loftiness)